Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Miracle Worker of Montreal - Brother Andre

We want to discuss Brother Andre - the Miracle Worker of Montreal - 1845 - 1937

Brother Andre was a man of prayer. He prayed long hours, several times a day, sometimes alone, at other times in the chapel, while traveling, with the sick and in a packed church. [It reminds us of Mother Angelica; she and her Nuns pray and God does the miraculous!]

Brother Andre prayed and miracles happened! Sometimes people would only have to mention the name of St. Joseph and healings would take place. On other occasions Brother Andre would just be in a room where there were sick people, and they would be healed. He might hand out medals of St. Joseph, or St. Joseph's oil taken from the lamp at the chapel of St. Joseph and have people pray together. Healings took place.

In 1916, there were 435 cures; this did not include those never reported. He quickly and adamantly corrected anyone who asked him to heal them, or who credited him with having brought about miracles, always pointing to Jesus, Mary and Joseph. He would scoff, "As if human power can heal!" It was important to Andre that the crutches and other evidence of healings be displayed for all the visitors to see and upon seeing, have faith.

When the Provincial of his Order saw the many crutches, he ordered him to take them down. Brother obeyed! As God would have it, the Provincial became ill and was in the same infirmary as Brother Andre the miracle worker. Now, he would have an opportunity to talk to him! He began, "You have always taught us that Miracles are signs given by God."

He went on, saying "crutches are signs by God that miracles have taken place, through the healings that have come about at the Oratory." He continued, telling the Provincial that God has given these signs to His children to show that He cares so much, He will bring about miracles to heal them.

Just as miracles are signs given by God, so are the crutches. And if God has granted these signs, who would dare take it upon himself to hide them? Besides, they were the outer signs of His foster-father's love and concern for us. "Jesus spoke, using signs that the people could relate to," Andre insisted. These are the signs that the faithful of today understand. Needless to say, the crutches were replaced, lining the walls, with new ones added each year.

Saint Joseph sends a priest

The sick came; they were cured.

There was need of the Sacraments so that no one would take his or her eyes off the One and Only True Healer. Yes, Brother Andre did pray, and Saint Joseph did intercede and does till today; but the Healer was, and always will be, the One Who walked the earth and healed, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The people needed a priest! It was 1910; a professor, Father Adolphe Clement came to the oratory. The young priest was sent by his Superior to help Brother Andre. Brother was overjoyed to be working with him.

He was so excited! He explained how people came with more involved ills than he could handle; their needs were more often Spiritual than physical; they needed forgiveness.

Brother Andre's Feast Day is January 6

Bob and Penny Lord are renowned Catholic authors and television hosts on EWTN, Global Catholic television. They are prolific writers about the Catholic faith, especially the Saints for which they have been dubbed "experts on the Saints." For more information about Brother Andre go to:

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Organ Printing

Dr. Gabor Forgacs made that prediction. Now, he is making it a reality. Gabor is a University of Missouri researcher doing groundbreaking work in regenerative medicine. He is also the Scientific Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Organovo, the latest company to receive support from you, the donors of the Methuselah Foundation. As we work to identify breakthrough technology that will help us reach our shared goal of extending healthy human life, Organovo stands out. Thanks to your contributions we are able to assist them as they apply their proprietary technology to "print" new organs. Organovo: Printing Organs The "ink" in the bioprinting process employed by Organovo is composed of spheres packed with tens of thousands of human cells. These spheres are assembled or "printed" on sheets of organic biopaper. By precisely placing the cells with the bioprinter, and providing them with the proper natural developmental cues, they do exactly what they do in nature: they self assemble into fully formed, functional tissue. The unique science blends biophysics and cell biology with computer aided design and high precision deposition to recreate the micro-architecture of the most complex human tissue. Organovo is currently developing blood vessels and intends to use the same technology to create organs or bio-constructs that reproduce organ function. Dr. Forgacs envisions fully implantable organs printed from a patient's own cells. "You give us your cells: we grow them, we print ...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Brother PT-1880 Advanced Deluxe Labeler Review

Have you been messing your stuff in the office? If YES Brother PT-1880 Labeler can help you solve your problem. Running out of time and too much work can lead to stress; and if we are stressed we tend to mess up our things by not realizing it.

Labelers provide help to busy people like you. All you need to do is to label everything from your office papers to kitchen, closet or even your garage. It organizes your stuff and saves a lot of your time. Labelers are classified into different categories:  there are handheld labelers, portable, desktop, vinyl cutters etc.

Brother PT-1880 is preferably for personal use but it also works great on your desktop. It has 9 framing options, 9 styles that are available on 6 different sizes and 50 various color to choose from. The print can label up to 3 or 4" wide and has a large 15-character x 1- line LCD. It features a preview key where you can check the text before you print; this allows you to avoid mistakes. Its built-in memory can save up to 5 most commonly used labels to help you print easily. You can run it using an AC adapter or 6 "AA" batteries (which are not included in the set).

Why do you need to own one? Well, you'll never realize how important labelers can be; not unless you own one.  Sometimes we tend to do things that we are not supposed to do (because of stress), and that is why Brother PT-1880 is created to help the busy YOU.

For more information, check other Brother PT-1880 Labeler Advanced Deluxe reviews.

Erika Ayala works part time for a consumer review company.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Phenomenal Big Brother Sweden

Big Brother is a reality TV show that houses a group of people in a large house. This group of people will be isolated from the outside world even from their families. The goal of these individuals would be to avoid eviction from the house. This way, they will be able to when huge cash prizes. The evictions will be based according to the votes of the televiewers. Each country who franchised this reality show has made formats that suit their cultures and traditions well. However, the basic format remains.

The Big Brother Sweden edition actually started on 2000. They have broadcast it at the same time as Norway's version did. The two countries enjoyed an exceptionally high rating that they actually decided to co-produce a BB show together. So in 2005 they actually created a show together. This earned them more viewers and the ratings were good. In their 2005 show they mixed nine Swede and nine Norwegians together in one big house. Initially, each country has separate houses for their housemates. However, after the first eviction, they have joined the two sets of contestants in one house but still on a two different team. They still have to fight for their individual immunity and can vote someone from the other team for eviction. In a twist during this first joint production, the viewers were given the choice, which among the three evicted housemates can go back to the Big Brother House.

Big Brother Sweden use cameras around the house to monitor how the housemates interact with each other. They are given tasks to accomplish and the success of these tasks will earn them a reward from Big Brother. This creates a big wave of curiosity among the viewers of television. Everything about the housemate's environment is controlled. There are no phones, televisions or even radios. It depends on the franchisees' prerogative on what materials to provide their housemates. Even books and special gadgets like ipod are not allowed. Some countries even went as far as not letting the housemates bring their toiletries. These factors bring out the vulnerability of an individual. This becomes especially for the housemates because they would also have to deal with their new environment and adjust to their new housemates. The show thrives when there are a conflict or love affairs those blossoms in such event.

In Big Brother Sweden and Norway, only the team captains can vote who among their team will be evicted. For example, if team Sweden won the given competition in the house, the captain of team Norway would have to nominate of them for eviction. Usually, when they bring in a new housemate, that housemate could nominate but the rest cannot nominate him or her. There are also twists involve in the show where some housemates are supposed to be evicted but in reality, they were just hidden in a secret room. One of Big Brother Sweden and Norway's ideas that really gets the attention of the public is the Big Brother Exchange program, where a housemate from Big Brother Thailand gets to exchange places with one of the housemates.

Interested in Sweden? Learn more about important events, places, and people from Sweden here!

Visit Sweden now and savor their rich history and culture